Click either or both links to get your KML files for Google Earth.
If you need help loading the files into Google Earth, click here to view the easy tutorial once you have downloaded the files.
We use cookies to make your session unique to you so you can retrieve files your create whenever you come back to visit.
We do not aks for, nor collect any personal data. We respect everyone's privacy.
The website will convert all telemetry data from any DJI .SRT file and create two .KML files which you can download and open within Google Earth (or import to Google Earth Web).
By default, the files created are only available to you. But if you have filmed at a public area you can also opt to share the Google Earth file with other users! Please note, we only use Latitude, Longitude and Altitude data. (SRT files only contain this data. No other data is provided so your privacy is respected).
(C) 2025 User ID: 1741830198057640724595429. Stats: 9502 visitors, 1794 unique. 201 KML files created.