
Convert a DJI SRT file to a Google Earth file

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What does the website do?

The website will convert all telemetry data from any DJI .SRT file and create two .KML files which you can download and open within Google Earth (or import to Google Earth Web).

Watch the tutorial

We creates a 3d route line which you can scroll around to see your route in space, in full 3D!
We also create a fixed speed virtual flight in 3D and real time using the telemetry data!

Data privacy

By default, the files created are only available to you. But if you have filmed at a public area you can also opt to share the Google Earth file with other users! Please note, we only use Latitude, Longitude and Altitude data. (SRT files only contain this data. No other data is provided so your privacy is respected).

Create Google Earth files

STEP 1: Choose your SRT file
STEP 2: Set File Privacy
Tick to share the KML file on the website for others to view. (By default it is private to you).
STEP 3: Enter details about the flight (eg where and when it was filmed)
This will become the files title. If you share the files publically, this description will be added.

(C) 2025 dji-srt-viewer.com. User ID: 1741830198057640724595429. Stats: 9502 visitors, 1794 unique. 201 KML files created.